The Belgian Competition Authority cleared an acquisition by IPM Group S.A. of Editions de l’Avenir S.A. and L’Avenir Hebdo S.A. in the markets for (i) the French-language paid daily press, including the online version, excluding business dailies (financial and economic), (ii) the non-specialised French-language weekly paid press, including the online version, (iii) the weekly youth press, (iv) the sale of advertising space for national themed advertisements in French-language dailies, (v) the sale of advertising space for national themed advertisements in French-language weeklies, (vi) the sale of advertising space for regional-themed advertisements in French-language free daily and weekly newspapers, (vii) the sale of advertising space for French-language job advertisements, (viii) the sale of advertising space for French-language classified ads, (ix) the sale of advertising space for compulsory (financial and legal) French-language advertisements, (x) daily press printing and (xi) weekly press printing.

Portrait of a pensive man sitting at a restaurant table, reading newspaper and drinking coffee