You are currently viewing Altice France S.A. | Allianz Infrastructure Luxembourg II S.à r.l. | Omers Infrastructure European Holdings B.V. | Covage S.A.S.
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Altice France S.A. | Allianz Infrastructure Luxembourg II S.à r.l. | Omers Infrastructure European Holdings B.V. | Covage S.A.S.

The European Commission – DG Competition cleared with conditions an acquisition by Altice France S.A., Allianz Infrastructure Luxembourg II S.à r.l. and Omers Infrastructure European Holdings B.V. of joint control of Covage S.A.S. in the markets for (i) the deployment and operation of optical fibre networks in Less Dense Zones, (ii) the wholesale of broadband and ultra high-speed broadband access, (iii) the installation and maintenance of fixed telecommunications networks, mobile or fixed and mobile, (iv) the retail provision of internet access, (v) (retail) business connectivity services and (vi) wholesale of leased lines.

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