About me

Hi there, I am

Floris Stomp

Floris joined Caselex in the summer of 2021. As part of his studies, he conducted research into the possibilities of social media marketing and provided Caselex with advice on how they could use it. After this, he stayed on to manage the social media marketing and was responsible for planning posts, creating campaigns, managing content and monitoring engagement.


To graduate and finish his studies, Floris started writing his thesis at Caselex. The thesis subject was managing the project of customizing and implementing a new CRM solution. During this project, he mapped out the internal processes, organized the customer and sales data, created the preliminary design, and tested and optimized the prototype before implementing the finished CRM solution.


During the integration with LexisNexis, Floris managed the transfer of contracts and supported the handover of sales. Additionally, he was personally responsible for training the customer success teams. Nowadays, he is the main contact point for account requests and focuses on operational projects relating to product development within Caselex.


Tio University of Applied Sciences Utrecht,

International Business Management & Commerce, Entrepreneurship and Organisations



Dutch and English